St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company

Hi, realtyman;

The only approach you can take is to excercise your muscle of independent thought.

If you entered into this investment based on "trusting" someone else, you'll exit this investment at the whim of anyone who can interfere with your trust (eg. a short-seller attempting to profit by your actions).

Have your, *yourself*, sat down with a pencil and a calculator, sketched out the magnitude of the anomolies, and calculated the volume? It takes only a few minutes. Then, did you do a rough calculation of tonnage, and multiplied by a conservative grams-per-ton to arrive at a total deposit size?

If you haven't done this, then you will always be at the service of anyone who wants to "use" you. All they have to do is interfere with your trust... Furthermore, even if you turn out to be wrong because some of your information was incorrect, you will never be in a position to blame someone else for "getting you into a bad investment".

I don't mean to be harsh -- but anyone who invests in any venture needs to be their own man or woman; don't follow someone else. There is so much opportunity out there, and so many scared people just following the elation and/or fear of the day being set out before them by the talking heads on the news.

Remember that the vast majority of the people in the news business are either A) vacant talking heads who understand little or nothing of what they are reading to you, or B) have a motive *other* than yours for saying whatever they are saying.

Believe *none* of it. Seek primary sources. Check facts. Compute your own results to reproduce/refute whatever someone says. Take action on whatever revelation comes to you.

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