St. Elias Mines

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Re: Hind Sight
almost 13 years ago

Primed, I agree that now is the time to discuss the matter. But how can we even discuss it when:

1. The AGM is Nov 17 and on Oct. 21 we don't even have the circular out

2. The insiders have so many shares that whatever we want to change is basically out of reach

3. We haven't even considered who to nominate as an outside director

The basic problem is we are trying to be more than what we actually are - a bootstrap operation trying to grow up without adequate personnel. All of us (at least most of us) were quite content in the spring when we thought we would get our EIS "at any time". And then everything got dragged out. EVERYTHING. Then no news at all on what was happening. I even commented (in jest) that we the shareholders should hire our own plane to fly reconnaissance over Tesoro to see if there were any rigs on the site. I thought we hired public relations firms last year to provide information on the state of the company - whatever happened to them?

Anyway, if the gold is there and we can prove it up by drilling the ovoid this year as planned, all the fuss will be for naught, everyone will be happy as a pig (sorry Hog) in s--t and we wouldn't have a complaint in the world as far as how management has handled the company. I think its too late for changes JMHO.


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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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