St. Elias Mines

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Lack of news
about 13 years ago

Hi everyone, hope you are enjoying your summer. Some interesting points have been brought up lately, Silverback's point reguarding the lack of news and timelines is a valid point. No need for other posters to jump all over him. I too am frustrated by the lack on news, however I believe there is a good reason for it. Our stock is being manipulated by professionals such as the Alpha Group and these are very deep pockets, they short and they naked short. This will continue as long as it is allowed and as long as it is profitable. These wolves will continue to push the stock around and trust me, they will have a few million shares in the hip pocket to cover with if the SP takes a huge jump on big news. Their best senerio is to cover just before the final results come out so it would be great if Lori would tell them the date. Well as you see this is not happening. Lori is keeping all information secret to keep these wolves guessing. The less they know the less bold they will be as they short the stock. In a nut shell Lori is helping us by keeping things secret. We shareholders don't need to know it's just nice to know. The shorters need to know in order to plan their next move. Their risk goes up exponentially with a lack of information. This is not what the common shareholders wants to see but you will reap the rewards if you hold tight. The lack of news is not due to management being to busy to get it done, it's strategy.

As for the timeline the only explanation I can offer is that it seems this industry does move at a very slow pace at times. However you must remember, the minute management shows their cards and infects the world with a new strain of gold fever they will be a salmon fry swiming in a shark tank. We have one shot at getting it right and not getting swallowed up by the big fish. This is not a game for the weak hearted investor as these wolves can scare the shares right out of your account, thats why they do what they do and they are waiting to pick them up at a bargin price. You won't see this level of manipulation on a lame duck company that is going nowhere, these wolves are here because they know we are sitting on a mountain of gold.

Just my opinion but WTF do I know.


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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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