St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company
in response to sculpin's message

Sculpin ;

Thanx for that. Again--- not tryin to be too positve or too negative --just realistic---but--if you are kickin "GOLD" off of your shoes, who the hell needs a mining conglomerate to buy your "FIND" to make the money the shares are (obviously) worth. ??????

IMO--The truth is--- it takes multi millions in investment to even set up a test facility to prove that a "resource find" such as TESORO is even feasible, let alone probable, so, 43101 proof is just the first part of the equation.

The second part of the equation is, spending the money and resources that it takes to take that claim to fruition--or ---making a profit. Sounds easy, gold being what its worth---$1500 per ounce. GO FIGURE---6 pennies --30 grams in 1 tonne or (2200 lbs) of granite rock. Sounds simple --right. ---NOT SO FAST-

IF--- it was that simple, we would all be millionaires. The problem we all have is---it takes money to make money.!!! We have all heard that.!!!

Let the others (miners) make their fair share, (produce the property) doing what they know how to do best, and to quote an old saying " leave the kettle full for others" comes to mind. The Peruvian people need jobs as much or more than we do. They just want to make a living off of their own resources. Not a bad trade.

Just the way I see it---Its my story and Im stickin to it


We, as initial investors, will certainly get our just rewards,as will others, that invest in the company that buys our "Golden Jewell".

You are riding a "Gold Train"---make sure you don't jump off--too soon"


ioms worth of investment


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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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