Probe Mines

Growth through Discovery Canadian Base and Precious Metal Exploration

Pretty quiet at Probe as Dave P and his team put together a major property position in the area of the long identified Val d'Or "flagship" target. Now we have the "discovery" announcement, suggesting that the company is nearing completion of the black out period that must accompany negotiations for new land. Look at the maps: "Voila!" as they might say in Quebec. Deals with Richmont, QMX and Alexandria, plus a cash investment in QMX which has lots of property, a new (and experienced ) management and a strengthened balance sheet. Not so quiet anymore!

Meanwhile, two geologists continue to work West Porcupine, which I have heard Dave wanted to buy ten years ago. If he wanted it then, he has to have been thinking about its potential for a long time. Enough to make a guy who likes to solve puzzles pretty curious. Thus, my hunch is that a drill will be turning there without any fanfare, just to "test" the underlying rocks while we're all focussed on Val d'Or. I know, we all recognize that Dace is a famously patient guy, but, I mean, 10 years of wondering!!

I have to conclude the Probe team has built a lot of value since the AGE acquisition, and look forward to the roll out of drill results, perhaps with a little less patience than Captain Time, but still with a lot of conviction about where the Probe team is taking us.


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