Probe Mines

Growth through Discovery Canadian Base and Precious Metal Exploration
Mr Trump
almost 8 years ago


Let me get this straight, the entire U.S population ( or majority ) just elected a guy that  lives lavishly and doesn’t pay a cent of income tax….nor will he ………”ever” hmmmm

Something doesn’t smell right!

Hmmm, Last 30 years of economics rolled into one page….it’s okay I have Time!

FIAT “and so it shall be”

Well, where are we today…I think we are at a hysterical cross-road created by the fact that Central Banks think most of us are idiots.

Here is the question ? 

What weighs more ………..a single sheet of watermarked cotton blend paper with ink printed to indicate

100,000,000 ( 1 hundred million ) in a bond guaranteeing 4% over 8 years


 1,000,000,000 ( 1 billion ) in a bond guaranteeing 4 % over 10 years )

Yes…they both weigh the same…!

The heaviest part of those bonds is the fact that the taxpayer is on the hook for the yield.

What is unfolding ……….right now as we speak……yes right now…

Yes that’s right….politicians trade yield not actual dollars.   Politician A asks for 100 billion yield 4 % for 10 years.  Politician B agrees and gives him the “bond”.   Politician B asks Politician A for 110 billion @ a yield 4.10 % for 10 years.  Politician A agrees.

So now you have created 210 billion in Pension reserves….and the payout ( off the backs of the tax payers above ) is about 4 %.  This 4 % comes from taxation, GDP, tax on commodities, goods, services etc.

So now create some 8000+ pensions with thousands of politicians…

Now remove the source of taxation….jobs etc….

Now try to collect on the original bonds/treasuries etc ?

It so obvious…I am going to vote the party that promises me the most ….! ( NDP in AB )  I wish I lived in B.C. ;  Christie is a Smokin Hottie (JMHO)


See the problem ??

Solution is simple…..”buy” something real….Land, Silver, Gold….real estate ( maybe real estate but it’s taxed too, so be careful )

Why does the Fed provide uncovered contracts on the COMEX.  2 reasons : # 1  because they can and # 2 because Nixon unhooked the dollar from gold !  At this point the race to the bottom started.  Central Banks have been issuing “financial instruments” at breakneck speeds over the last 10-20 years…..and quietly the borrowing rates have crept closer to the actual bond rate….there is no room left.

Well, so we get rid of currency…no problem !  I could live without paper money….no issues.

Organized crime ( excluding the government which is really, “very”, organized crime ) might have some challenges but it will be easy, trade a “hit” or two in exchange for XXX amount of XXX drug.  We lose a few CPP collectors along the way…no sweat…..probably not my kind of folk.

Or, Start a new currency…hmmmm no one will believe another currency….even a world reserve “all encompassing” super currency….will hold any will hold any weight…..remember the currency that rhymes with “Hipjoin” ….AKA Bitcoin…nothing to back it….just another FIAT

Hmmmmmm.  Well Gold and Silver, Platinum, Paladium, Rhodium…..etc.

Wait a minute ….back to physical currency as a reality….yes…maybe might work

Central Banks = miss trust

So no currency can be trusted…!

Gold and Silver ( and others ) have no central bank.  On the COMEX We are now @ 400 oz contract to 1 oz….physical!!

When Trump reads to this point ( I know he will, big captain time follower ) he will need to make a decision…weaken the dollar and let gold rise….or try to get both rising at the same time.

At $ 80,000 an ounce the U.S can wipe out 70 % of it’s debt ( 8,800 tons right ? )…and be on the path to maintaining Super Power Status…by letting other central banks accumulate silver and gold at these low prices…they risk someone else showing the world their reserve superiority….just a thought

“Every time” the Gold smash occurs on the COMEX the uptick in physical delivery on the Shanghai exchange is tremendous.

Why because the Chinese see gold and silver at “fire sale” prices…….I’ll take some of those please sorry sir there are more bars in aisle 9.  Silver is in Aisle 47 ( same as its atomic # ).

No one is really paying attention….and that’s okay with me………

Take the time, enjoy your life, enjoy your time, if you work for the government …well, then good luck with the rest of your time.  I take the time….I believe Gold and Silver to be good holdings.

Time is worth more than gold….Trump has a finite amount of time left, we all do….should we breaking our backs to pay the “fictitiously” created yield on money  that will never be paid back ?  

I guess time will tell.

Until next year!

“You bring the shovel….I’ll bring the lime”

Captain Time




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