Probe Mines

Growth through Discovery Canadian Base and Precious Metal Exploration
in response to ElPrimero's message

El P, You say," Moving shares around can be extremely slow". There didn't seem to be any holdup in moving the Probe shares around..... right out of my account. There should have been no movement in either shares until the appropriate shares were delivered to each account. Consider the fact that Goldcorp shares might drop 30% in the next day or two. We have no opportunity to sell. The reverse is also possible that G share price rises by $ 5 in the next day or two. Again we have no opportunity to make a decision on how to act if we again decided to sell. Somehow there must be an illegality in not having the shares of one company being tradeable while still able to take the stock that has been sold to them from the sellers account. In todays case lets say YOU wanted to sell your G shares at todays high price but you have nothing in your account that says you own any G shares or exactly how many you have. Are you quite happy to not have the ability to have sold but by Friday of this week you get your shares and now find that they are at a multi year low. YOU are not a happy camper are you. It has to be illegal because the brokerage firms now can play games with your shares and THEY will make the money in those 3 to 5 days. the deputy

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