Probe Mines

Growth through Discovery Canadian Base and Precious Metal Exploration
Re: My 2 Cents
over 9 years ago
in response to goldhunter11's message


Sure...I guess take the Business approach...yes my math is a little shaky...we'll say 0.60 on 30 to give you 2 %

I am good with that. As for transparency. Several companies had non-disclosure arrangments with Probe...and no one stepped up to the plate.

I look at it and think hmmmm I think this deal was done in August September and the drilling on the infill zone was timed knowing drilling would keep shareholders happy and not significantly impact the grades !!! In other words, drilling for the sake of drilling.

We already knew about the low grade ...what we needed was more exploratory drilling on East Limb....never did itemize locations or put in writing the number of drills actually doing the East limb exploration.

Do they use a small drill ? Just to punch holes as fast as they can ?

I don't know...but I do know GTA resources lines up with Dave P's theoretical map as to where the "Borden Belt" is located. Yet, GTA had a gold mine like 70 years ago...and they are East of East limb ? So I asked GTA...but their answer was that zone is somewhat heartbreaking to drill ! You find gold but never enough. Shallow with good grades but very narrow intervals.

It is kind of a crappy be left in the dark..I fully agree. We are going from a decent high-mid risk developable deposit...( with almost a full environmental study completed with approvals for undergruond development ).

Think about others that have gone before PRB.........

PRB Could end up being a LSG good production good grades lots and lots of outstanding shares but trading $ 0.90 to 1.15...hoping for the jump to 4 bucks for "if" gold breaks 1800 an ounce.

Lots of low cost juniors with production.

I voted yes simply to move on. Crap, I bought PRB for the Chromite with my Freewest winnings. Now Cliffs...has exercised not one but two middle fingers and the government is still masterbating over studies on how to build a road ?

I don't get it. The province of ontario has a high unemployment rate and 680,000 on social assistance to an average of $ 1,084 per person ( look that math up ) for around 7.5 billion dollars ( rounds to 9.5 billion when you include all the perks and benefits for Healthcare and associated cost with adminsitering the program )

So you have a 12.5 billion dollar deficit and you pay 9.5 billion out to give people a free ride and government workers work ?

But you can't build a road without a study ?

I just don't get it, I just don't.

I probably never will. I am not a socialist. I believe, "if you build it people will use it"

Healthcare is Free!

Welfare is Free!

First Nations get more than fair share you guessed it....... for Free!

Between first nations and Welfare we should all be a little angry.

Okay, I am not lucky sperm like Will ( you know prince William ) Kate's husband and a new source of genes to the Royal pool !

Don't worry, I am not running for political office anytime soon.

We got a shaft from the PRB folks ( maybe ) not a small shaft or a big shaft..."sort of a medium sized easily lubed but inserted slowly" so you don't feel the pain kind of shaft.

Again just an opinion...! A little upset with myself not spending more quality time with my kids as they grew. I should have moved to a small Ontario town divorced my wife legally but not spiritually. She then could have been paid a decent sum to raise the kids. I still would have travelled worked and paid taxes but lived with them as I am a good father and don't want my kids ot go without.

Government would never clue in...because they need worker bee's to dole it out to the needy and never have any accountability.

Took me 52 years to figure that out.

That's a long take the time. If I had done the welfare route my wife and i would have have more time !

You bring the shovel I'll bring the lime

Captain Time.

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