Probe Mines

Growth through Discovery Canadian Base and Precious Metal Exploration
over 9 years ago
in response to meadow hen's message
Well, 1 week went buy. I give till the end of this week. Even if we see a competing bid....say 700 million. Goldcorp will just match it ...they have the resources and only need to ship high grade ore to porcupine. It's brilliant really. A low ball offer, agreed, but now what. A real offer should be around 750 to 800. 2200 square Km surrounded by old active and inactive mines. Well, if no one shows up. In this market take the money and run. I am not sure which way I will vote ? Most likely no. Even if gold hits 1400 goldcorp ....might get to 36 or 37... It is a large ship that moves very slow. Collect your dividend. So take the deal get the "new probe spin out" follow it...can Dave Palmer make lightning strike 3 times ? Keep your goldcorp until oil resurrects late June through August. Pick your battles then. Their are some excellent buys in the oil and gas sector....just a matter of waiting....or you can play ARCA XOI ( top 19 ). Leverage it 10 to 1 in your margin account when With all this European will be in disarray for a while. At least you will have new probeco and a decent position in gold. You can sell your goldcorp....and invest in better sectors later on. I just think the next 4 months will be completely unstable in the market ! That being said. I have time ! Let's hope this week pans out for all of us. Nice to see a new gold or Yamana dig deep. Till next week captain time
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