Probe Mines

Growth through Discovery Canadian Base and Precious Metal Exploration
Re: WB
over 9 years ago
in response to probeguy's message

Yes...good posts. I will stay with all my PRB shares ( that are left ) I have majority of my holding in my RRSP....and will stick with Goldcorp.

In General I am not big on the deal...becasue it feels undervalued about 2 bucks.

Okay, well I don't think anyone else is going to step up !

NEW PRB 0.50 probably something like that...

The ECB posted that the OPEC folks are going to keep oil rangeobound to above 40 and below 50.

So here is my thought train....

People are panicking..and fleeing to Gold...Goldcorp has underperformed until recently !

So stick it out...

Gold @ 1350 Goldcorp 35 bucks

Gold @ 1450 Goldcorp 42 bucks

Gold @ 1600 Goldcorp Say...48-50 bucks

Gold > 2000 Goldcorp 90+ bucks easy.

All this plus a dividend...

It's not great....but late june if oil comes back into the mid 50's you will have your choice of battered and bruised companies that are lean and mean and ready to run hard in the marketplace. Names like painted pony or suppliers like Trican well services...if they pay a dividned in June hop in and then enjoy the ride. Boom another 50 %

This is my plan...of course some other names as well.

White Knight....?? Doubtful at this stage.

Hey..I got time...

Know worries we will all get there.

PRB was a decent score for the ones that got in below 0.50.

So enjoy !

Captain Time

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