Probe Mines

Growth through Discovery Canadian Base and Precious Metal Exploration
in response to ElPrimero's message

Gold will's logical...and money after all is just paper based on a promise !!!

Well, thats how fiat currencies have to borrow to a similar % of GDP as the next folks.

If you manage your currency won't be able to compete with good and services..because your currency will be valued to high versus the Schlepps that keep borrowing.

So one thing that changes a little over time is GDP. As countries...continue down the path ...of running deficit's and them turning them into managed debt for the next fiscal year...we will see this occur. At the end of the day the currency should reflect the ability of the country to re-pay....and it doens't

Unfortunately, we are at an impasse..and very few countries "if any" can repay their debt obligations.

In many respects...the Canadian government has to spend order to keep the ratio of Debt / GDP in Check.

As unemployment rises...they need to raise they burden the working folks more and more.

It is interesting to note that pensions fail when people stop contributing to them. I predict in 5-10 years that their will be massive public pension defaults in Canada and abroad. THis is because of the cycle.

  • Don't get elected and do the right thing. That won't work. People don't like having their pensions and welfare cut. They want free free free dam it !
  • Make promises you can't keep get elected
  • Don't keep any or keep very few of the promises
  • People forget, Typically Canadians have short memories ( 1-2 years at best )
  • Introduce more boutique taxes and healthcare promises
  • Run a deficit
  • When times are good take credit like you invented those good times.
  • When times are bad, " suggest...were all in it together" and that Canada is a small and sparsely populated country....and the tail does not wag the dog.
  • People will buy problem
  • Get Re-elected
  • Repeat for at least 2 terms and let the next Government deal with the problem. In fact take it a step further and say you inherited the mess you promised to clean up in the first place ! Don't worry people will forget.

My point is this ........

  • Can't collect CPP until age 62 means a) people are living longer or b) were broke.
  • Child Tax Credit means a) wealth distribution b) poor children need more money so we'll just take it from the wealthy. For the record...we have never received the child tax credit ! And have 3 of them. Poor children are worth more than children in wealthy families.
  • Tax Refund means a) we love so were giving some back b) you overpayed taxes into this obtusely designed self monitored system of tax payment.

At the end of the day. A lot of stuff is going to happen this year and next. I believe the Provincial Debt of Quebec will surpass the Federal debt. Gold will rocket through 1500 fact I can see well above 2000 on the horizon. The Chinese alone will buy 2500 tons this years. Where does it all come from? I don't know ?

Oil will recover to above 75 by stated in previous posts.

PRB will be a buyout target.

The trick is to keep things quiet. It 's financially more advantageous for Dave Palmer to hold assay's back until he is absolutley sure.

I would rather see 2 or 3 extra potential zones "especially along strike" than one zone annnounced at a time. It will ensure the share price for a buyout is much much higher.


Till next week....

Politics, it seems to me, for years, or all too long, has been concerned with right or left instead of right or wrong.

Richard Amour

You bring the shovel....I'll bring the lime ....

Captain Time

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