Probe Mines

Growth through Discovery Canadian Base and Precious Metal Exploration
in response to rosehill's message

I guess?...I read PEA's doesn't matter what the company says in their PEA their wil always be a nay sayer somewhere....

Do you really think companies put out a PEA and say....gee this doesn't look financially viable...I guess we just pack up our tent put out the fire....and go back to work.

Just leave the 7 million ounces in the ground....lets go to Starbucks.

Not likely!!!

They will massage many scenarios until they come up with an approach that provides cost effective mining....could be a staged 1000 ton per day mill in 4 stages....with a small underground mining budget...or any number of situations.

Mike not the only say on PRB a number of other equally competent analysts seem to have different views...3 bucks 3.90 4.25....

A lot of people feel all markets are juiced right now and just want out of everything.

Me, I have 3 close friends who are better than 80 % in cash ...just cash.

If selling is the only way for you to sleep at night....then sell.

If you think Gold has left the U.S. and Eastern hands China, Russia, India and other banks are accumulating...then stick around for the fireworks.

I believe that just looking at.............

  • Volume through Switzerland ( like Sprott ) is tremendous
  • Shanghai exchange ( new with volumes of 80 to 120 short tons weekly )
  • Singapore new Bars 25 kg starting soon.
  • Hong Kong Volumeer 25 - 40 tons a week under settlement.
  • Saudi's putting in 600 tons of "new" refining capacity
  • India consumption
  • FIAT currency from both weak and strong hands FIAT money rhymes with MAGIC baloney not !!!
  • U.S inability to repatriate Germany's gold in a timely fashion
  • 2-3 years ago China Trade Swapping U.S. debt probably for gold
  • The fact it took 4 years to repatriate Venezuala's gold ( and they only did it due to the venezuelan crude oil the U.S. depends on )
  • Shift in Banks consuming gold small amounts here and there for investment
  • Russian consumption and production....primarily banking and hoarding of gold
  • Debt Debt and more Debt by large and small nations alike.
  • The fact that countries keep writing Cheques to each other and spitting out more printed currency to cover it off....!! Yes that too is debt.
  • A lot of gold producers holding back...a little production ( you can see it on the the asset side as "marketable securities" or "inventories"
  • Naked short selling on the COMEX to drive Gold down
  • + many other reasons I can't come up with off the top of my head

I also happen to believe a lot of ETF's are working with the same bars...stored at the same facility. In fact, I can't find where ETF's have accumulated as much gold as they say they have on their books...could be my ignorance...

At the end of the day it's just math.

I am the master of my Fate

I am the Captain of my soul !

You bring the shovel and...I'll bring the lime.

Why you ask...well because ... I am Captain Time

Best of Luck

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