Probe Mines

Growth through Discovery Canadian Base and Precious Metal Exploration
in response to jacki79's message

Hi Jacki

I'm not too sure our shares are being manipulated. Probe is full of good news, not just one news release but a stream of good releases. If someone were manipulating our shares it might be a large interested gold producer but then, I doubt it as Agnico is in the driver's seat knowing more than any prospective suitor could possibly know with their chunk of the shares.

There may still be an entity or two that have lost shorting our shares over previous months who just won't give up but that's their problem because there will be a day of reckoning for them when Dave's next announcement is released.

I would guess that manipulation takes place following much public activity on a good sized run-up and on the second effort at previous highs, which fails, and then it's all down hill as naked shorts are unloading on the market as well as on any following run-ups at lower highs. This gets repeated over and over again on many low priced issues. Many low priced resource shares get helped lower with what one would consider is manipulation. This, IMO, is a fair statement.

When shares sell off within their bull market, like Probe is doing, it is a healthy event. It is so healthy that I have puchased some shares during this resting period along with further orders in a bit under $3.40. From what I have been seeing lately, there is a buyer or two very interested in the shares at the $3.40 area plus.

The wild card in all this probability is what is coming up from the lake's bottom? Following this resting period, the shares are now in position to explode to new highs without a problem. Buying an issue following a decline within its bull market is the way I like to go.

Good luck to all.

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