Probe Mines

Growth through Discovery Canadian Base and Precious Metal Exploration
I suspect that we will be in play in Q2 2013 after we see the PEA. Having been through the acquisition game as an investor and as a insider on both sides of deals, non core assets have very little value in pricing the deal. Anything that isn't currently generating cash gets discounted to a token amount even if it could be liquidated for more. So moving a royalty for a non producing mine to cash unlocks it cash value for us. Cash is always part of any valuation. I would hope that Dave is looking at moving our ROF properties as well. What these might be worth at some point in the future when they are mined won't be paid for by a suitor. There is no doubt they will be more valuable some day but if they can be sold for cash before we are bought out the cash will be worth more to us then the chrome properties to the buyer of the Borden lake deposit. The last thing I want to see is dilution at this point. Remember that as of yesterday most of the analysts following Probe figured the royalty was worth $0.00 in their valuation calculations. Now it has value in the treasury. Been buying this afternoon from 2.10 and down. Keep in mind how little news it took to move this stock and what we have coming. ... Been There
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