Probe Mines

Growth through Discovery Canadian Base and Precious Metal Exploration
in response to roadrunner08's message

Well we know one thing. Nothing significant will occur IMHO for 17 days until the Olympics are over and China ramps up to fulll speed again.

There is no doubt that Probe needs a hit but I can wait a few months. Its coming to mid August which makes fall just around the corner.

I still feel this is one of the best plays in the area and I'm sure Palmer will prove me out after the vtem and drilling to come.

I am also anxious to see the drill results from both areas. I would like to see just what the peroditite holds. This may give us a clue as to what the claim blocks hold.

The royalties! Hudbay was forced by a judge to open their books for CAA . I'm sure you guys are aware of this issue but CAA feels they have been short changed re royalties. Now the only way out for HUdbay may be to purchase outright CAA for a decent price.

I am not suggesting that Probe has the same problem but these things must be overseen. There is big money involved here and the big guy always wants to step on the little guy.

Now I am hearing the same things that you all have just posted regarding the resource accumulation. They keep finding gold and much of it is Probes.

I hear 5 million or so for royalties but IMHO they will at least double that when all is said and done.

We (PRB) gets no value for this! Don

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thunder bay, ontario
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