Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to ronran's message

on a .004 stock, with practically zero revenue for the past 3+(?) years, has entirely expired US patents, a rapidly depleting $3M bank account, almost expired foreign patents (October2016), and solicited efforts to reverse split the stock to artifically manufacture a higher price ... and yet, I think, they didn't even reduce their (already excessive) pay for themselves a single penny acting as the BOD and CEO for the past 6+ years under these disasterous conditions. What one word would you call people like this ?

Seems to me this is a company lead by greedy opportunistic people with a record of having numerous years and history of gross misjudgment and leadership failures, approving devastating and short sighted agreements, indifference to the demands of Shareholders, years of receiving no confidence majority votes against the BOD's own re-election (and their proxy initiatives), and a repeated unwillingness to address Shareholders in an annual meeting face to face.

I'm not questioning the legality of their actions or behavior, but rather, I'm wondering about what is it that even jurisprudence wisely considers important about a person.. namely, their "character"

Character is ALWAYS in issue. Character tells a lot about a person, and people's actions/inactions tell you about their character.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but do I recall that the company represented in an interview with an investment publication that our IP was "like having Patents on water", and did the company also say that our patents were a "gold mine" ? I think I recall it was a sitting company President who said it ? ... Does anyone know if the BOD formally distanced themselves from these statements, or required the President make a correction, or clarification, or retraction ? Did Gloria Felcyn actually tell a complaining Shareholders (Stan) that "you had your chance to sell" the stock after it had already dropped into the single pennies ? Can anyone confirm ? I may even have that particular Virtual SHAM on audio tape.

One last bit of Character information, if my calculations are correct.... Since just 2010, while the stock price dropped from 18 cents down to less than half a penny, Gloria, Carl and Cliff, the leadership and strategists of this company, and who consider themselves qualified and necessary to our success, have paid themselves a collective $3.5+million cash dollars.

During that same period, these same folks purchased a collective $21,500 in company stock. Apparently they only had enough faith in themselves and their efforts over these past six years, six years, to reinvest a pathetic and telling one half of one percent (.006) back into the company....

Meanwhile, it appears they still continue to ring the cash register for themselves to the tune of $45,000 each and every month, and have not purchased a single share of company stock, even at sub penny prices, in over 3 years.

Here is a defination of "character" :

the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual.
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