Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to Marillion's message

You know, my friend, as I've needed to post on a few other occasions when people start the personal attacks, I've been around here for many years giving out free legal advice that would, in the real world, cost lots of dollars. I do it because I like helping people, and because I've made a considerable number of friends here who I don't want to abandon when the going gets tough. Nobody is right all the time, but I think my track record is pretty good. So, I don't appreciate the "gaming", as you call it, when you hear something you don't like. If you don't like my posts, don't read them, or if you question the content, go show them to a lawyer you know for review --- but don't question my integrity with some stupid insinuation that I'm pretending to be someone else, or have multiple aliases, or whatever.

I am going to tell you this once, and only once: I do not post under any name in any PTSC forum other than "ronran". For that matter, I don't read or participate in other PTSC forums, so I have no idea who says what in any of them, nor am I interested in finding out.

I don't know why you are goading me, but it stops here and now --- it is a waste of my time, and takes away from the real issues that need discussion. This is the only time I will say it, and if it continues to occur, I will act accordingly. If you wish to contact me via PM, that's fine, but otherwise, keep this kind of stuff off the board.

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