Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.

Started at 10

Those present: Cliff, Gloria, Carl, Tom S of KMJ Corbin, Charlie Hoge and Tony of Snell & Wilmer (outside counsel)

No other nominations for Director were submitted

Order of business

1. Elect Board members

2. Ratification of KMJ Corbin

3. To Approve on an Advisory Basis, the compensation of the named executive officers as disclosed in Proxy

Polls closed for voting at 10:05 by 10:07 meeting was closed


1. Same old BoD elected

2. Same old accouting firm appointed

3. Compensation NOT approved

Cliff then proceeded to read previously submitted questions and here are some of the answers I could write fast enough:

Pursuant to the July 2014 agreement, Patriot expected to receive a list of infringers in August 2014. It was delivered in Feb 2015. Several names were conspicuously absent. In late March Alliacense decided to withhold the remaining information that was to accompany the list of infringers PTSC selected.

Dominion is in possession of our list but no the underlying information.

Once again PDS has to go through the process to achieve the terms of the July 2014 agreement.

There were 452 names submitted (possible infringers) Patriot chose 1/2 of those names exclusive of the NorCal companies

Dominion and Alliacense work for PDS

When asked about he viewed his job performance, Cliff said he felt that he has done the best he can do given an environment of adversarial relationships.

I thought he also said that it was recently learned that all ownership interests in MMP must support litigation.

PTSC is considering all actions against Alliacense & TPL to include considering termination of Alliacense.

Regarding the third managing member of PDS.

Both PTSC & TPL submitted candidate names to the Arbitrator. One of Patriots nominees was selected, however, that person did not want their name announced.

Plan- near term to exploit the MMP

That is all I have....may have missed something...also corrections welcome

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