Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to Mike4321's message

I appreciate your post, but it doesn't solve the problem moving forward. We are at a critical juncture with PTSC due to various ongoing developments occurring in various courts, and, as a result, people need accurate information on those subjects, not a bunch of speculation, conjecture, and "Google wisdom" from non-lawyers. I've said the following on other occasions over the years, but perhaps it's time to revisit same.

I don't know your background, and you may well be very smart in your field and generally very intelligent. Also, none of what I say in this post is meant to imply that lawyers are always smarter than everyone else because that's simply not so. On the other hand, understanding and dealing with the law requires a certain type of ablilty that some have and some don't --- and with apologies for being abrupt, you don't. This is similar to my own situation in areas outside my field of expertise --- I couldn't give accurate opinions, or even engage in meaningful discussion, in accounting, chemistry, physics, and many other areas, if my life depended on it, which is why I don't try.

The above is simply another way of saying that all of us, certainly including me, have our limitations. As a result, please refrain from making posts on legal subjects and issues in the future. If you have a question concerning same, just ask, and, if I believe it is sincere, I'll be glad to answer.

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