Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to l2007s's message

Took your lead and got to this about a R. Franklin Balotti... ?? from the SEC website. Even if he is not the R. Franklin ( but he may be) is the last line of this info about him from the SEC. I will see if I can find a copy of his book on Shareholder Meetings. May have some info about how to have our own SHM.

R. Franklin Balotti
Richards, Layton & Finger, P.A.
R. Franklin Balotti
is a member of the Wilmington, Delaware law firm of
Layton & Finger, P.A.
He earned his B.A. from Hamilton College in 1964 and his
LL.B. from Cornell University School of Law in 1967. Mr. Balotti is a member of
the American Bar Association Section of Bu
siness Law, where he current serves on
the Committees on Corporate Practice, ABA Relations, Business and Corporate Litigation, Corporate
Governance, International Business Law and Negotia
ted Acquisitions. He is also a member of the
American Bar Association Sections of
Litigation and International Law.
Mr. Balotti is a member of the Delaware Stat
e Bar Association and its Professional Guidance
Committee and the General Corporation Law Section;
the Colorado Bar Association; the Cornell Law
School Advisory Council; the Advisory Board of the In
stitute of Delaware Corporate Law of the Widener
University School of Law; Co-chair of the Univer
sity of Delaware Weinberg Center for Corporate
Governance Advisory Board; a member of the American Law Institute; a Fellow of American College of
Trial Lawyers; a Fellow of the American Bar Foundatio
n; a member of the State of Delaware Judicial
Nominating Commission; and an Adjunct Professor at the University of Miami School of Law.
Mr. Balotti has served as a member of the American Bar Association Ad Hoc Committee on Civil
Justice Improvements and the ABA Standing Committee on Federal Judicial Improvements. As a member
of the American Bar Association's Section of Business
Law, he has served as a Counsel member, a member
of the Committee on Corporate La
ws, a member of the Ad Hoc Co
mmittee on the ALI Corporate
Governance Project, Chair of the Committee on Busi
ness and Corporate Litigation; Co-chair of the
Committee on Business Courts, and a member of the Model Nonprofit Corporation Act Revision Drafting
Committee. Mr. Balotti has served as
President, President-Elect, Vice Pres
ident, Secretary and Member of
the Executive Committee of the Delaware State Bar A
ssociation; Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and Secretary
of the General Corporation Law Section of the Dela
ware State Bar Associati
on; a member of and the
liaison between the State of Delaware Judicial Nominating Commission and the Delaware State Bar
Association's Committee on Judicial Appointments; Co
-Chair of the Delaware
State Bar Association's
Committee on Judicial Compensation; Ch
air of the Supreme Court of Delaware Board on the Unauthorized
Practice of Law; Secretary of the Supreme Court of Delaware Advisory Committee on Rules; Secretary and
Counsel of the Supreme Court of Delaware Courts
Planning Committee; a member (ex-officio) of the
Supreme Court of Delaware Board on Professiona
l Responsibility; Chair of the Supreme Court of
Delaware Permanent Advisory
Committee on Administrati
ve Efficiency in the Ju
dicial Branch; a member
(ex officio) of the Supreme Court of Delaware Commission on Continuing Legal Education; Chair of the
Supreme Court of Delaware Committee On Family Cour
t Internal Operating Procedures; Vice-Chair of the
Supreme Court of Delaware Court Reso
urces Task Force; a member of th
e Delaware Secretary of State Ad
Hoc Incorporations Advisory Committ
ee; Chair of the State of Delaware
Board of Bar Examiners; and a
member of the State of Delaware Commission on Delaware Courts 2000.
Mr. Balotti served as a member of the Board of Di
rectors of the Delaware Bar Foundation; Master
of the Bench, Richard S. Rodney Ch
apter, American Inns of Court; a me
mber of the Board of Overseers of
the Widener University School of Law; and a member
of the Executive Committ
ee of the Northwestern
University School of Law,
Ray Garrett Institute. He was an Adju
nct Professor at the Widener University
School of Law from 1991-1993 and 1995, a Distinguis
hed Practitioner-in-Residence at Cornell Law School
in the Fall of 1996, an Adjunct Professor at Cornell Law School from 1999-2004, a Visiting Distinguished
Corporate Professor, University of Miami School
of Law for the Spring 1998 semester, a Practitioner-in-
Residence at the University of Iowa College of Law in 2005, and an Adjunct Professor of Law at the Ohio
State University Moritz College of Law in 2005.
Mr. Balotti has co-authored/co-edited numerous publications, including
The Delaware Law of
Corporations and Business Organizations
(3d ed. 1998) and
Meetings of Stockholders
(3d ed. 1998).
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