Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to l2007s's message

Knowing that the Leckrones have not followed the directions of the BK Court and it's agreements to the Creditors BK committee that same Committee with our very own Gloria representing us (ha) has once again agreed to a continuance to allow for more time for Dl to suck more life out of TPL and thus PTSC a delay that stops at least for now an independent receiver from taking charge.

I can only imagine what DL is doing in regard to bleaching hard drives, shredding documents etc so as if there is ever a receiver it will be hard to find hard evidence on the dealings of that shady family imo.... After all with the help of Carl (I believe that he knows of all the deals that DL has pulled but has looked the other way os as to cry ignorance) and Gloria on the Committee we have given him a whole lot of time to destroy or move incriminating evidence.

II would think that as obvious as the Leckrones are with illegal (?) or at the very least unethical license deals Laurie has noted (where is our share?) that the bk committee would approach the Judge with this info and say we cannot at all trust this family so please enough is enough and for the sake of what is owed us (all tpl creditors please your honor appoint an independent receiver and kick these folks out and change the locks.

Whats the old saying, fool me once shame on you but fool me twice shame on me...... How many times do the Committee members have to fooled before they stop any negotiations with DL?

As far as that statement goes in regard to our very own band of three on the ptsc board of directors .... It is my belief that they are not being fooled but are in the know and are part of the saying only when it refers to we shareholders and what we have been told and promised over the years and fooled and fooled again and again but as always that is all in my opinion.


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