Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to SGE1's message

It seems you've made two posts to me since this afternoon. I've only have time to read the one to which I'm replying, and even the following will not be a full response. Sorry, but I wanted to answer caney's substantive legal questions, and, in a few minutes, I need to go attend to a family matter that developed earlier this evening.

Strict rule enforcement will not IMO make this a better forum. I doubt that any governmental entity on Earth has ever been successful at enforcing its rules to-the-letter on a 24//7/365 basis. And even if one assumes the opposite for some third world and/or despotic country somewhere, those aren't places I would want to live.

I believe in simplifying things as much as possible in life, and that is counter to the complication imposed by those who want to play "supercops" engaging in endless "enforcement" --- it always happens that, sooner or later, we find that they're just as biased as anyone else in their "enforcement". What this forum needs IMO, which I've said scores of times, is for people to post about PTSC and not about each other. That's very simple, yet very effective. It's kind of like the Ten Commandments --- if all of us, me included and at the top of the list, would just follow the two most important ones, we wouldn't need the other eight.

The point is that even strong yet respectful disagreement with the content of a post is acceptable, but crossing the line into personal attacks that malign someone's character, honesty, and/or integrity is what is not only offensive, but what should be prohibited even if there were no written rules at all. Accusations of shorting, driving the stock price to come down, and/or other forms of manipulation, especially when directed at someone whose post is fully accurate, and merely because the post is deemed "negative", should be considered an embarrassment to all (as should accusations of "hyping" and so forth under converse circumstances).

So, we don't really need rules at all, nor stricter enforcement of those we have. Instead, we just need to cut out the personal crap, and post truth, fact, and knowledgeable opinion, and everything else will fall into place.

There's a lot more I could say, but I don't have time. Good night to all.

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