Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to w8n2c's message

It's been stated many times by various knowledgeable people in this forum, but appears to be difficult for some folks (and I'm not directing that at you, personally) to grasp. When people don't know how to gauge whether an event is truly important or not, they tend to convince themselves that every development must be important in terms of affecting the share price. It just ain't so, as the market has demonstrated to us time and time again.

In the present scenario, a truly important court ruling would be one that would have the effect of bringing substantial amounts of money into PTSC's coffers on an immediate or near term basis --- for instance, a jury verdict of several hunderd million dollars, or a ruling from a court that upheld such a verdict, would likely have such an effect. Conversely, a ruling that simply maintains the status quo and allows the case to proceed, while certainly favorable to us and thus not unimportant, just doesn't carry the same pizzaz. Nor should it be expected to have that kind of effect, at least in any lasting sense.

PTSC's stock price ceased being meaningfully affected by mere perceived "potential" a long time ago, and no amount of so-called "positive thinking" is ever likely to change that for anything other than very small periods of time, if at all. The reality, as pointed out here many times, is that our stock price cannot rise over the longer term until lots of money is collected by the Company, and probably not until a dividend is announced. To think otherwise is naive, because it goes against the entire concept of investing --- unless they are short-sellers, people are drawn to investing in companies that are growing and thriving, not those that are stagnant or dying.

When PTSC shows people that lots of money has been earned and/or won and is about to be deposited in the bank, investors may again become interested in a big way. Until then, there is simply no reason for any large amount of interest to occur, because the Company isn't generating any --- "maintaining" is always necessary and isn't a bad thing, but when potential has been exhausted, achieving is the only remedy.

Best wishes to all.

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