Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.

For the lack of a third member of the PDS BoD..

"The vacancy arose under the following circumstances: during the course of
rancorous litigation initiated by PTSC Directors Felcyn and Johnson against TPL in April of
2010, the five-year term of the Independent Member of the PDS Management Committee Robert Neilson expired, and PTSC’s Directors (not TPL) refused to reengage his services on the
financial basis he was proposing. The Independent Member position has remained vacant ever
since with no effort by PTSC Directors to exercise their right under Article 4 of the PDS
Operating Agreement to cause the appointment of an Independent Member by employing an
Arbitrator to make the selection".


4.1 Management of the Company shall be managed by a management committee (the
"Management Committee") consisting of three (3) Managers, which number may not be changed without the written consent of the Members holding at least 75% of the Percentage Interests.

4.2 Appointment of Management Committee.

(a) Patriot Appointment. Patriot shall have the right to appoint
one (1) Manager to the Management Committee (the "Patriot Appointee").

(b) TPL Appointment. TPL shall have the right to appoint one (1)

Manager to the Management Committee (the "TPL Appointee").


"Independent Manager. The Patriot Appointee and the TPL
Appointee shall work together in good faith to appoint a mutually acceptable
third Manager (the "Independent Manager"). In the event that the Patriot
Appointee and the TPL Appointee are unable to appoint a mutually acceptable
Manager within 10 days of the resignation or removal of the Independent Manager,

"..."Either"... party may apply to the American Arbitration Association ("AAA") in Santa
Clara County, or the nearest county thereto, if necessary, for the appointment
of the Independent Manager, and the AAA shall select the Independent Manager
from a list of no more than three persons submitted by each party. All costs
associated with the selection of the Independent Manager by the AAA pursuant to
this Section 4.2(c) shall be paid by David H. Pohl".

Where does it show that Leckrone made any attempt to satisfy the Independant manager requirement?? It does NOT show any attempt by Leckrone to do so..

....This fact does NOT let CJ off the hook......

Because he is a control freak, and another person in the mix makes it more complicated ...


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