Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to judd gray's message

You are right in one sense, wrong in another. Your post seems directed at a shareholder lawsuit, which I will cover later in this post, but first, I'll cover the subject in the context of the existing bankruptcy litigation.

Speaking of myself, I'm involved in "dog fights" in multi-million dollar litigation every day and have been for more than 30 years. But as to bankruptcy, I have very little knowledge or experience in that field, which is at least as specialized, if not more so, than patent litigation.

As posted here many times, Brian has not practiced as an attorney, but does have a law degree. His business acumen is IMO excellent, and, as between the two of us, I believe he, or someone like him if he feels he is unavailable at this time (Brian, I am not volunteering you!!!), perhaps Stan Kaplan or ohters, would be much better suited to serving on the creditor committee. As I have also said many times, I believe that the shareholders would be better served by having someone "local", i.e., in California and as close to the venue as possible, be their representative in any such endeavor. Yes, we live in an age where instantaneous communication, video conferencing, and other such wonders are all commonplace, but there is just something to having that "local presence" that IMO provides an advantage --- sort of like when some of our Agora members were able to personally attend our recent patent trial by going to the courthouse.

On the subject of shareholder litigation, believe me when I tell you that, while few things are impossible, this is extremely unlikely to occur. Because of this strong "un-likelihood", I'm not going to rehash that subject here, but if you wish to send me a PM, I'll respond.

Best wishes to you and all during the holidays and beyond.

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