Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to resqjuc's message

You nailed it!

To summarize:

I believe the prevailing opinion is that we can expect positive news from the ITC (review granted) at 5:00 on 25 Nov - next Monday, or possibly sooner. I do not believe I need to explain the positive implications beyond what is already known/expected via this positive event (e.g., Fed District court verdict has deference over a ALJ unilateral, flawed decision).

Now we have this supposed "new news" re: Leckrone and the Apple deal, which was revealed in a trial that ended when? And it is supposedly very profound, yet it was withheld until yesterday? Why is that?

Didn't we already know that Leckrone couldn't be trusted with the control he had BACK THEN? Don't we know that PTSC acquired addition control via the TPL/PTSC Settlement Agreement that should and was intended to prevent recurrance of commingling deals or any other goofy deals unilaterally made by TPL/Leckrone? Don't we know all of this?

Referring back to the first paragraph of this attempt to summarize; don't we know we're on the threshold of a probable, or at least possible, game-changing event (though full benefits may not be realized for some time - a couple/few months)? Consider the possibilities! Review granted, ALJ decision over-turned, then.....

And don't we know that any action attempted against Leckrone, or the PTSC BoD for that matter, would cause a major, probable game-ending, chain of events that would absolutely be detrimental to monetization of the MMP and PTSC Shareholders? Don't we know that time is short for settlements and notifying probable infringers, thus starting the clock (no matter how short-lived) for damages/more settlements?

Don't we know that Agility/Otteson is very capable and has a direct vested interest in achieving positive outcomes?

Don't we know all of this with some level of certainty?

Can't we figure out what's really going on here with "Lots of Negative Chit-Chat"?

SOS - Same Old ....



And no, I do not intend to engage in argument about any of the above. You folks can read it and consider it, then either dismiss it or embrace it.

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