Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to Biajj2too's message

not only was an absolute maximum of only $5 Mil attributed to the MMP while TPL's sole patents received at least $21 Million, but TPL was so _____________ (you fill in the blank), that TPL changed the initial allocation of which patents received what percentage of the $26 Million; so that the MMP went from being designated as 70% to being less than 20%.

It's very important that Shareholders understand that Apple was NOT the only company where TPL conducted combined MMP and TPL's solely owned patents in the same negotiation.

On top of that .. The Apple deal was NOT the only time that during combined Patent negotiation occurances that TPL subsequently reassigned percentage allocations downwards, to as to increase his own patent's percentages at the expense of lowering the MMP's percentage of the whole combined fee collected.

Furthermore, even when a company was willing to write a standalone MMP license, TPL had insisted that their own Patents be negotiated right along with the MMP.

The same BOD members who were personally involved in negotiating the first Comm Ag decided that DL can be trusted; and so we settled our TPL fraud suit with a secret new Com Ag and contracted with TPL's Alliasence to stand in the shoes of TPL. lol

What's to worry ?


During the HTC trial, it was publicized what fee Apple paid. Testimony indicated the "MMP license to Apple was for "$960,000". This was not disputed, and our side even admitted it; under oath.

In the suit we filed against TPL for Fraud, documents revealed that the comingled licensing deal TPL did with Apple comprised a total of 4 patents; the MMP, and 3 others that are exclusively TPLs.

The total amount of the TPL / Apple License fee for the combined negotiation of the 4 patents, was $26.62 million; meaning the other three Patents owned exclusively by TPL brought in over $25,000,000.

*To be fair, there is room for some minor adjustment in the actual MMP fee amount, because although "$960,000" was used in court as what Apple paid for the MMP license fee, internal PTSC Fraud documents against TPL indicate that the MMP accounted for "less than 20%" of the $26.62 million; or for no more than $5.2 million, AT BEST.

So .... by PTSC's own admission, the MMP fee to Apple could have been anything between $960,000 and $5.5 Million.

However, Apple paid TPL for 3 other patents least 80% of the $26.6 Million; so $21.3 million went exclusively to TPL for their lesser valuable patents.

In our letter to Apple notifying them of infringment, we stated that they had potential exposure of $3.3 billion. Guess not.

Fine bunch of smart and shrewd business executives we've got watching out for our interests. lol

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