Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.

A PR accomplishes absolutely nothing for a penny stock and, I might add, other stocks whatever exchange they are traded. A PR is simply a public relations hype with minimal, if any basis in fact. When you are a penny stock, as PTSC, it is viewed by reasonable investors as simple self promotion without any substnce.

The only people who are interested to PRs are the day traders. these are not the sort of people we want or, at least, I want investing in PTSC.

What will attract investors is a consistent and increasing revenue stream reflected in quartly reports. We have not have that for some time if ever. The potential is still there, at least I hope so. But until we see multiple settlements with significant revenues I am afraid the shareprice will remain disappointing.

We still seem to have some hurdles before us though I am more optimistic now having finally received a judgement of infringement in NDOC. Will this judgement alone be enough to unleash the wave of settlements that could finally generate the revenue we have always expected with a corresponging a fabulous rice in share price? No. We still have to go through the appeals process in NDOC and we must also have a successful challenge to the Initial Determination (ID) of the ITC. I emphasize that the decision of the ITC was ID not a final determination.

You all can stop reading at this porint, if you having already. The point is that PRs accomplish nothing except to generate skeptism among real investors.

Here in New Jersey there was a rather famous con artist who ran many commercial ads on TV showing him flying around the Metro area in a helicopter promoting all sorts of penny stocks. I can not remember the name of the doofus but I do remember he was convicted of stock fraud is a guest of one our federal prisons having been convicted of fraud and various violations of the security laws.

Also think Donald Trump. For those of you who think he is some sort financial genius please review the history of his bankrupcies where investors lost considerable amount of money. Also keep in mind that the DONALD is not a self-made billionaire. He inherited millions, if not billions from his father. Yet he is the modern version of Barnum and Bailey. If you want to lose whatever money you have then by all means invest in his bonds and whatever projects he is promoting. The DONALD is living proof to the axiom that a sucker is born every minute. He certainly knows how to find them.

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