Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to FLEECED SHEEP's message

You wrote: Now would it be legal to take an ad out in their local newspapers explaining our plight. The huge amounts of compensation, no answers for shareholders year after year and our general situation. Maybe their friends and relatives can ask them. We need some answers NOW

Well, well, how about a letter to the SEC ( are they working during the shut down? ). If they are working or if we have to wait until their return.... it won't matter because they don't enforce the rules, IMO.

There were millions of share traded in the last few days. Were those short sales? When do those have to be covered? Who is going to enforce that?

Seems to me the shareholders need to form a committee to meet with our BOD and explain ( negotiate ) a few of Laurie's points. From the SHM I can tell you from my perception that our BOD does not really care for DL either. I saw them sigh when DL got up to speak. I heard he was not invited but showed up anyway. If my memory is right the BOD closed down the meeting as DL was pontificating to the few that would listen. I don't think the BOD would be opposed to an environment free of DL ( or at least quarentined ). I think CM would feel likewise. Therefore, I belive it is just a matter of coming up with a plan together.

Now as to the other matters about the BOD, maybe that would be a point were we could be at odds with the board, ie pay and transparency etc. Then again those things could be related to issues with DL. The thing(s) to wonder about is if the BOD......???

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