Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to toxic waste's message

"What do you think they should PR right now?"

Heck I would submit somehting like this:

Legitimate Patent Owners vs Patent Thieves

The current trend for mega billion companies to avoid paying for the use of patents that they do not own is to first discredit the Patent Owners by labeling them Patent Trolls.

Such as in the case of PTSC.

PTSC a small company based out of Carlsbad California, found after they acquired a company called Nanotronics that amongst the asset they purchased came along a treasure trove of valid patents, upon further examination they found that they could use the technology to manufacture their own microprocessors.

Contracting a Taiwanese company to build prototypes for PTSC the Taiwanse Company may have divulged revealed the process to major corporations thus side stepping PTSC making it nearly impossible to catch up with the Mega Billion dollar entities that immediately started making designs based on the Patents held by PTSC called the MMP.

PTSC attempted to enforce their patent rights and managed to sign a significant amount of companies that agreed that PTSC and TPL were legitimate owner of the MMP.

However other companies decided on a new strategy as to avoid paying the Patent Fees, these Major Corporations banded together to fight the enforcement of the MMP by “alternately” requesting patent reexaminations of the MMP.

This was a tactic designed by patent infringers to:

1. Stagnate the Patent Enforcement

2. Hopefully cause the Patent Holders lethal monetary loss to the point where they would have to go out of business

3. While raking in billions of dollars a day on the MMP, they would cause the patent Lifetime to expire without ever allowing the Patent Owners the ability to benefit from the use of their patents.

This “business maneuvers” only starve the small companies.

Hence you have small companies selling their patents to companies that have the financial recourses to enforce the patents. These companies are labeled Patent Trolls.

Is it fair that a Mega Billion Dollar company steal technology or use of patents just because a patent owner could not afford to purse justice?

NO its not fair and dirty tactics like these should be heavily punished by the American Justice System.

PTSC did not sell their patent to Patent Enforcers instead they partnered with TPL who already had legal templates to sign on new customers that chose to pay for the use of the MMP.

What must be understood is that the MMP was re-examined by the USPTO 17 times and prevailed, the MMP is the only stock in the world that has been re-examined 17 times only because of the scheme that the Mega Billion Dollar a year companies implemented to drive out PTSC and Kill the life of the patents.

President Obama if you are reading this then you should take measure to first and foremost protect American ingenuity from abuse by Foreign Patent thieves.

If you are going t pass laws that will change the Patent System make sure that it does not impact the Americans, pass laws that if infringers delay justice as they did with PTSC’s MMP, that the patent should automatically be revalidated for another 20 years, that Mr. President we would applaud you for instead of making it harder for the Little Guy that invented something out of his garage that everyone can use and gets stolen by patent thieves.

Mr. President if you want to win the heart of the Americans then Protect American Interests first.

This a truly a David vs Goliath”s” story, while the American Justice System protect American ingenuity or will the American Justice System fall prey to “special interest” donations of campaign money?

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