Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to powzon's message

Quite a few of us have been dividend proponents for some time now. IMO, it is the central question that needs to be asked at the upcoming shareholder meeting, and for which an answer should be absolutely demanded by every shareholder who is able to attend.

Most certainly, the ability to pay a dividend will depend upon certain events occurring in our litigation. However, there is no reason the Company cannot give a response that is likewise conditional on the occurrence of such events. I believe it was Brian who mentioned this fairly recently, and I recall thinking it might be a bit premature at that time. However, I certainly think that enough will have occurred by the end of April for the Company to take some kind of stance on this issue, even though the actual trial dates in both the ITC and the NDCA will likely still lie ahead as of that date.

In the absence of a completely new business plan that is presently unknown to the shareholders, a dividend payout model is the only means by which PTSC can hope to create shareholder value. As a result, the shareholders are entitled to know whether dividends are indeed "the plan", regardless of what conditions might at this particular point in time need to be placed on the Compay's ability to put "the plan" into practice.

I think most people realize what "the plan" is in the event that our currnet litigation effots are a complete failure. No rocket science inecessary on that one. But if there isn't even a proposed business plan in place than can be announced in the event of success, then what is the Company planning on doing for its owners --- us --- in the event its goals are achieved? For that matter, just what are the Company's goals?

I truly wish I could be at the shareholder meeting instead of just offering an "atta boy", "go get 'em", "armchair" type of support from afar. Depending on my schedule around that time, I do intend to check on last-minute deals on airfare and hotel availability, although the chances of actually attending will remain slim.

Best wishes to all.

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