Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to SGE1's message

You're welcome on the corrections.

Thank you for the source of your misinformation or misunderstanding: " Perhaps Cliff was referring to bonuses awarded while he has been designated "interim CEO".

It wouldn't surprise me in the least if Cliff wanted to minimize the almost $400,000 dollars he took in from cash bonuses (so far), in addition to his several hundred thousand dollars in annual salary. Considering his leadership and performance results, and our dime stock price, the recognition of him being paid those outrageous amounts is so offensive to Shareholder like me; I suppose it's likely not something he likes to have Shareholders ask about.

"Not an annual event" ? Of the 3 potential times he was entitled to get a Bonus as the CEO, he took 2; with each being almost the maximum possible % of his Salary that he could receive per the Bonus guideline rules.

So, cash bonuses in 2 out of 3 possible CEO years is a damn good track record; especially when they were 6 figure cash bonuses; and especially when one was given in the same year we finally gave up on the million$ he helped decide to sink into PDSG; and the other bonus was given during the same Fiscal year in which PTSC sunk to an almost all time stock price low of under 5 cents.

As for the expensing of Option grants on a companies Financial Statements, I'll let someone else go through that example for you. BTW, "significant" is your word, not mine; just as "next to nothing" to describe the corporation's cost was yours too.

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