Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.

With the previous announcement of Sierra Wireless purchasing an MMP license, that leaves 12 with the ITC and Northern District of CA. Don't forget that some of the ITC respondents wanted the case dismissed because TPL's attorney did not mention the ownership dispute between Moore and TPL. Fortunately, the administrative law judge agreed that this was just an oversight on the part of our attorneys. NOw that Moore and TPL have resolved their differences and with Patriot announcing it too, there is no doubt that there is a united trio now fighting these companies. Don't lose sight of the three pronged enforcement strategy:

The three-pronged enforcement strategy includes: (1) a Complaint filed with the US International Trade Commission seeking an Exclusion Order prohibiting the importation of unlicensed products; (2) parallel actions in US District Court seeking damages for past infringement that includes past un-paid royalties — plus the interest which has accrued on those royalties — both tripled for willful infringement, plus attorney’s fees; and, (3) the pursuit of injunctions in both the US District Court and the ITC barring the sale of infringing products in the United States in the future.

It is my belief that Otteson is currently working on a contingency basis. If so, he and his firm have a lot at stake and wouldn't have agreed to such an arrangement if they weren't fairly certain of victory. I believe more than ever that we will see dividends again, once the money starts flowing in to PTSC. Don't forget the ITC follows a strict procedural schedule unlike the district court. Both trials are set for June. So we may see some settlements before too long.

I also believe that it is time for our BoD to take a long hard look at the need for an interim CEO. No offense to Cliff, however, it appears (to me at least) that his sole purpose in being there is to prepare quarterly statements. There is no company to run, no employees to speak of, so PTSC could outsource this for a lot less money than Cliff is being paid.

We have waited a long time, some more than others......good luck to all of us.

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