Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to karlwest's message

If that is what you and most here think is in store for Shareholders, you and everyone else here should be screeming/demanding at the top of your lungs that the company be buying back company stock by the dump truck loads.

Instead, best I recall from one of the recent filings, they only bought back something like 1/5 of 1% of stock, spending about 1/4 of the amount to buy back stock of what they paid out in salaries for just those 3 BOD members. The effect of which is a window dressing exercise that is both anemic and pathetic; talk about priorities ! Stock buybacks are the only thing that will supercharge the value of each share in a dividend investment recovery setting like what you describe and what is anticipated.

If dividends are the only real investment return model that we Shareholders have to look forward to, the less shares that are out in the float, the greater the distributions will be for those remaining shares.

If it's as easy enough to understand that "after a few years the Patents will be useless (paraphrasing you)", it's certainly easy to understand why there will be few share buyers as each day or dividend announcement passes. Sure, there may be buyers that step up to get the dividends, or those that acquire the stock solely to trade for capital gains by selling off to those dividend buyers, but in each instance, it's a game of musical chairs for PTSC stock holders as expiration nears or as remaining recovery periods wane. How much will someone pay for a share if he percieves that dividends have a short lifespan or yields will not be high enough when considering the maximum dividend payout period remaining in relation to the price of the stock ??

Contact the company and demand they fund a massive stock buyback to the fullest extent allowed under the SEC volume limitation. Also, encourage the company to announce a multi-million share "Tender Offer" or a "Dutch Buyback" Offer. We must retire shares ! and the message that action alone will send will bouy the stock by itself.

Retiring company Shares is the single most important action that management can take at this point, and it's the only transactional activity within our complete control to positively affect the stock price or to make prospective Stock ownership more attractive.

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