Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to optymystic's message

assisted in coming between a man and his family's contracted financial expectancy by 50%, and you think that "can not be a bad thing" ? Seriously ? You think that will be the end of it ?

I find it very curious indeed, this continuing relationship between PTSC and Dan Leckrone. This is the very person who stood up at the PTSC SHAM to loudly defend the payroll and capability of the BOD, and the one who we claimed in court papers committed "Fraud" and Fiduciary Breaches on our Shareholders, and who attempted to blackmail (?) our own company. ("Mr. Leckrone has made threats to terminate the MMP licensing program if we did not provide him funding outside that required under the Commercialization Agreement", "... that he would simply shut down the entire operation".. Sworn Declaration of Gloria Felcyn)

Now, Chuck Moore's case against Leckrone is on deck. How do you think your "slick maneuver" will be viewed by Moore, his observations of PTSC's apparent cooperativeness with Leckrone, and how Mr Moore might decide to treat any regained control or ownership or options/authority with the MMP which may come his way as a result of his suit against Leckrone ? If my memory serves me, in the past Moore had questions about some aspect of a signed PDS JV document; now I'm confident his friend Mr Brown and his lawyer are likely scrutinizing that "slick maneuver" you're so simplistically fond of .

Chet Brown, Moore and the staff of GreenArrays are more than capable, and IMO with greater efficiency, to conduct licensing of the MMP independent of TPL and/or PTSC. Least I remind you that each owner of an interest in a patent (no matter how small or large) is entitled to exclusvely license it's use without the assent of the other owners, but Prosecution on the other hand requires the consent of all owners. For a number of reasons, I believe Team Moore would be highly successful in achieving cooperative licensings at a rapid pace.

What happens, if, as I have some expectation, Moore also presses to be allowed to be released from the JV ? Think Mr Brown would be supportive ? If that happened, it's a given Moore would compensate him far far more than the 3.5% Brown would be due from TPL's share. Ask yourself where PTSC would be then....

Stop your shortsided defense of the actions of the people in Management at PTSC, and start a strategic defense of your investment in the company instead.

The Management of GreenArrays, Inc.

Board of Directors

Our company is governed by a five-member Board of Directors that serves at the pleasure of our stockholders.

  • Chuck Moore, Chairman
  • Greg Bailey
  • Chet Brown
  • Dean Sanderson
  • David Sciarrino

Board of Advisors

We are determined to obtain the advice of people with extensive experience in the semiconductor industry as well as in many other areas. The company is pleased to have the assistance of a Board of Advisors whose members have earned the respect of our principals, often over a period of decades.

  • Chet Brown, who served as our CEO during 2009
  • Y.P. Cheng, who served as Senior VP of Strategic Solutions during 2009

**Don't forget that Chet Brown was the President and CEO of TPL's Intelasys, the initial name of Allicense; the company established to License the MMP's Intellectual property in the first place.

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