Patriot Scientific

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As some of you may recall, my family is big into LSU football, but my older daughter, who is my closest "football bud", became a traitor and went off to the University of Arkansas this year. Still, we enjoy watching games when she's home, which are precious moments for her old Dad --- we've made a "truce" that, when we cannot actually support the other's team in a particular game, we will at least "acknowledge a good play". And, of course, I always wear my "Arkansas Dad" t-shirt that she bought for me (I tease her that it's just a statement of fact, not that I've abandoned LSU).

Well, this past Friday evening, my daughter told me that I was getting my Christmas present early, and that I should be prepared to leave Sunday (yesterday) morning at 5:15 (!!!). I had no idea where we were going, but she was the driver, and we started out by going to Waffle House, which is our favorite breakfast place. When we left, she made me put on a blindfold and promise not to peek --- I was intrigued, to say the least.

Still tired from the day before, I took a nap in the car. The next thing I knew, we were pulling up at Texas Stadium in Dallas for the Saints/Cowboys game!!!!! Whoa!!!! You could have knocked me over with a feather!!! My daughter and I had talked about this briefly last summer, when we saw the schedule come out --- neither of us had ever been to the new Stadium, and we said it would be a great thing to do. But I never thought she would make plans to actually do it!!!

For those of you who didn't see the game, it was incredible. We started to leave mid-4Q, with the Saints ahead 31-17 --- but were glad we didn't. The Cowboys tied it up at the last minute, sending the game into OT. I thought the Saints had blown it, but they kept the 'Boys from scoring on the first drive in OT, and on their own drive back up the field, Brees threw a pass to Colston at around the 20 that was then stripped away and fumbled by Colston --- the ball went in the right direction and was recovered by the Saints at the 'Boys 2 yardline!!! We were sitting at the corner of that endzone about mid-way up, and it all happened as if it was right in front of us!!! A chip-shot field goal, and the Saints prevailed --- I'm sure it has happened before somewhere, but I can't recall seeing a game in which a team's own fumble actually helped them win.

We got home about 8:00 last night, tired but happy. Let me tell you, folks, this was special --- I'm shedding a few tears as I write this post. We're talking about an 18-year-old girl, feisty but only about 5'1" and maybe 105 pounds, who braved little-known roads and holiday freeway traffic to do something cool with her Dad. As we say here in the South, it don't get no better than that. I'll never forget it.

The message, of course, is to spend some quality time with your loved ones, especially at this time of year. We sometimes get caught up in finding those supposedly "special things" to wrap up as gifts and we certainly enjoy watching the kids/spouses/others open them --- but long after those kinds of gifts have worn out or lost their signficance, the recollection of special time spent together will remain.

Sorry for the long post, but I wanted to share this experience. I wish each and every one of you and your families the true joy of Christmas.

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