Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.

Now I am not number cruncher, and I have posted part of this message on another post and thought it would not hurt to repost a portion of it again since I would like to have an idea from the number crunchers what the estimated anual revenue would be considering that:

  1. Every Government in the world uses them to run their infrastructure
  2. Every Government in the world uses them for military applications
  3. Every Governments Guided Missiles, Infrared Binoculers, uses the MMP
  4. Every Governements Military Water Vessals use the MMP,
  5. Every Government inthe world uses them for Police Enforcement
  6. Every Governments Radar Technology uses the MMP
  7. Most Automakers in the world used them in their new cars that have all the Bells and Whistles
  8. Commercial Boats and Yacht Manufacturers use the MMP
  9. Every Airplane Manufacturer in the world Used MMP
  10. Every Train, Modern Motorcycles Use the MMP
  11. Every Medical Device Manufacturer in the world uses the MMP
  12. Virutally ALL communications systems in the world uses the MMP
  13. Space Exploration, Nasa, Japan China, India European Union and Now North Korea used the MMP.
  14. Every Computer, Laptop, Phone, TV, Stereos, Printers, Cameras, Home Phones, and tons more of retail commerical applications.

When NOT If, PTSC wins, we will have to go after European Companies, Eastern European Companies, Scandavian Company, Well to do Middle Easter and African companies, Asian companies, South American Companies, Mexican and Canadian Companies.

Assuming TPL is ready to assemble teams of attornies in each country to sign up infringers, what would th annual revenue be?

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