Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to carm's message

Cliff doesn't even own any shares after his 5 years as the Chief Financial Officer, including 3 years as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Corporate Secretary; and being paid approx $1,835,000 in cash by the BOD. Of the two that do own shares, they have been paid back many many times the cost of what they have put out for their shares.

As an example, in the past 6 1/2 years, Carlton Johnson has paid himself (he has been on the Compensation Committee since at least FYending 2006) approx $910,000 in cash; including $60,000 for his part in the consummation of the original Moore/TPL/PTSC Commercialization Agreement.

How much did Carl pay for his total of 525,000 PTSC shares over the last 11 years ? It looks like under $50,000; indicating that he's already been paid over 18 times his actual share cost outlay.

Gloria Felcyn ? Ms Felcyn has also been on the Compensation Committee since at least FY ending in 2006. She has paid herself approx $686,000 in cash since that time, including $40,000 for her part in the consummation of the original Moore/TPL/PTSC Commercialization Agreement.

How much did Gloria pay for her 951,000 shares over the past 10 years ? It's more difficult to reconstruct, but my best figuring comes to under $100,000 total outlay. So, if those numbers are accurate, Ms Felcyn has received cash compensation of almost 7 times the cost of her shares.

As for "Papa Leckrone" .. do you really think his 3M shares he says he holds carries much weight other than a sympatico "I'm in the same boat as you" talking point, against the $150 Million as exclusive Manager/Licensor and his full half share as our JV Partner ? LOL.... By the way, I am not aware of any current filing or formal SEC indication of his Share ownership, and my recollection is that those were originally Derivative Shares priced at 50 cents or $1, so have they conclusively been Exercised indicating he has put any money out of pocket ??

Plausible Sincerity ... This all kind of reminds me of a twist on the well practiced and often employed strategy of "Plausible Deniability"...

*Carm, you wrote: If you belive papa Leckrone he said at shareholders meeting last year that he owned 3 million shares so at some point price appreciation would benefit him if he chooses to throw a few more bones are way. And of course the three stooges have not sold any shares so, I guess they are just as dumb as the rest of longtime shareholders. So, we hope for court victories which should bring higher prices. Just remember to keep your eye on the exit door next time around.

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