Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to maxandme's message

I would LOVE for the price to rise. I am not necessarily "negative" on the ITC outcome potential, but I am also not convinced we have the winning enough argument. There are scales or degrees to these positions, and reasonable prudence, imo, is not on the side of thinking the courts will freeze out considerable commerce and associated tax at this particular point in time. That said, I hope I'm wrong.

An entirely separate discussion, and one which most all here don't adequately address, is that even when successful with licenses, such events do not translate into price increases or even significant trading volume increases in the stock when considering the price has been under 15 cents for years, and we have over 400M in the float. This is not 2006, and the structure of our capitalization and ownership control over the stock is not even remotely the same; nor will it's future trading be either. Relatively no one is taking positions in the stock, I also believe it's because there is no trust in the strategy or capability of our BOD, nor with our seemingly incestuous intercompany arrangements with TPL.

lol, I sometimes get a vision that like a zombie in a SiFi movie, PTSC is being kept alive; if only so that it's life blood and organs can be harvested for the benefit of others ... over and over and over.

The argument that the Licenses only now are for "nusiance" amounts or that they reflect minor fees until such time as the courts once again concretely validate our patents, holds only light merit with me. Even though Shareholders are not privy to what they are, there is now a long solid record of license fees paid and how PDS values the pricing of it's MMP licensing to infringers and others. Like a anchor tied to PDS's bottom line, that historical record will be front and center in any litigation involving License fee amounts.

Since I doubt you and others want to read how I think events unfold over the next 2 years, even with what you would call a PTSC win, I'll spare you that post.

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