Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.

Ron and Brian I agree and recall the Board statements regarding dividends as well as Ron's statement that the way to get the stock to move ... up... is to announce a dividend payout even if such a statement as Brian laid out is in a moving % announcement. Imo, Ron, Brian and Nick use common sense when they state we need substantial (for tpl and ptsc) revenues before dividends can begin.

Now my two cents and please forgive me for being a bit negative.... friends and fellow shareholders before we get to excited imo please note that even if there is a written announcement of intention to pay dividends which in a sense there already has been, as has been pointed out, I would like to point out an undeniable but unpleasant fact.

Our Board, which I believe is under the control and direction of the Leckrone family has already proven to us that their word is not worth the paper it is written on or the tape it is quoted off of. Let us not forget the the massive plurality vote that gave shareholders the right to vote for new Board Members. I know I am not the only one who remembers the missive from the Board that came with the proxy docs that stated that they would not abide by that vote and also the arrogance shown at the shm by board members when the subject was brought up again.

Though I agree that #1signed monetarily respectable licensing agreements and #2 statements that dividends will be paid out, for me is not going to happen unless and until I have the money in my brokerage account. I am afraid that the two dividends we received back when we ballyhooed a penny stock, our penny stock, that "paid dividends", may be the only dividends we will ever see from Patriot. I know this is negative and I respect greatly Ron's desire to be positive to the board but I really feel that somehow in some way for us to see another dividend we will need to see a new board member(s) and the lessening of leckrone control over ptsc.

A board that laughs in the face of what should have been a binding vote from a majority of voting shareholders to be able to dictate who sits on the board of a publicly held company will have no problem to lie to us about issuing a dividend and then refuse to do so when ex dividend date comes and goes. Remember this is the board that gives out merit bonuses for not doing anything of merit or maybe that was the point of the bonus in the first place.

Finally, can anyone tell me what occurred at the itc hearing that was to take place a week or so ago. I am sure it was posted but I am unable to find such a post and of course our company following it's policy not to give out information has not seen fit to issue a release.

God Bless and thank you for allowing me to give my .015 worth of thoughts.


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