Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to college funds's message

Talk on message boards does not keep buyers away. It is solely and only the failure of PTSC to create shareholder value that instills the sense of a stock that is not worth buying, and those failures are readily evident in PTSC's public SEC filings for all to see.

It is the Company's responsibility to make its stock attractive to buyers, and the only way to do so (other than by having a "story", which, in PTSC's case, is long gone) is to make money and use it to create shareholder value --- when PTSC does so, if ever, the talk on the message boards will automatically become "positive". Believe me, if PTSC ever puts itself in a light that is worthy of attention from buyers, those buyers will come --- indeed, no one will be able to keep them away. Conversely, buyers will not come if they only thing they see is a bunch of people hyping the stock, or "not being negative", on a message board. If you don't believe that, read the EDIG board for the last couple of years.

IMO, the solution to our current situation is simple. All that needs to be done is for TPL to sign and announce numerous MMP licenses within a relatively short period of time --- at least as many, preferably more, than the number of Core Flash licenses that have been signed over the last few months --- and interest in PTSC may well be rekindled. Of course, the market would also need to see that those licenses had been signed for something a lot more than the "chump change" of the past, but, for starters, substantially increased frequency of signings alone would probably start getting "positive" attention from investors.

As always, we shall see. Best wishes to you and all.

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