Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to optymystic's message

Exactly why would it best for me to remain silent?

Because in your prior post, you admitted that, in advance of posting, you knew you would not be enlightening me. To then go forward and make the post under those circumstances thus serves no purpose, unless you are just trying to be petty, insulting, or disingenuous. Assuming the contrary for the sake of argument, silence would obviously be the preferred route.

Interesting that you might know my field(s) of knowledge. I don't believe I have ever supplied that information.

Yet you have, at least indirectly. You seem to be fairly knowledgeable in some areas of technology, and you do a pretty good job with certain areas of the patents. Regardless of whether any of us actually "declare" our fields of knowledge or expertise, others are able to see pretty quickly whether we are usually right or usually wrong in what we say. That's all I was referring to, nothing sinister or nefarious intended.

In any case, I plan to comment on whatever I wish to comment on, and encourage all others to do exactly that, no matter what their field(s) of expertise might be.

Then IMO, you will be doing this forum a great disservice. As we have so often seen over the years with issues such the J3 MOU scenario, inaccurate comments on PACERs and other legal documents, and so forth, people who talk beyond their knowledge and experience accomplish nothing more than confusing others and leading them down the wrong path. Freedom of speech is high on my list, but, then again, so is responsible speech. Anybody can "yalkk away" and try to seem important or intelligent under the ruse of encouraging an "exchange of all ideas" --- but in reality, when someone is out of his or her element (which, speaking for myself, doesn't take much), more is accomplished by talking less and listening more.

I hope the above sufficiently answers your inquiries, and I will now be out for the remainder of the day and probably the evening as well. Best wishes.

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