Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to SGE1's message

Thanks for the clarification. These things are easily misunderstood by those who aren't lawyers, and your prior post was immediately reminiscent, at least to me, of the confusion that occurred back when many people erroneously thought that Judge Ward was continuing to supervise the parties after the conclusion of the J3 litigation. I just didn't want anyone to now think that, in the present case, the court somehow "supervised" the recent settlement with TPL and was acting in a role that was more favorable to PTSC by "backing" the Company's position.

In any event, and confirming what I said a few days ago, I agree with Ease's post earlier today in which he expressed the view that the Company very much needs to be forthcoming about the specific terms of the settlement with TPL, and that such should be made public just like the Master Agreement was handled several years ago. Unless there are scores of large MMP settlements waiting in the wings to be announced on a virtually immediate basis, which I surely hope will occur, knowing the specific terms of the new agreement is the only direct and verifiable means of allowing shareholders and investors to gauge for themselves whether PTSC really has gained anything of value moving forward.

As for the subject of contacting the Company, I would urge you, and others, to do so if you haven't already. You are certainly correct about the approach that should be used, and for reasons that are just as obvious, it would do no good for me make the attempt --- I am almost assuredly persona non grata to them, which is the knowing result of a decision I made several years ago after I determined that I was accomplishing nothing more that beating my head against a brick wall. I won't go into that further except to say there were measures suggested long ago that could have been implemented specifically to ward off what has occurred --- and, while I'm certainly not going to sit here and tell anyone that any given set of measures would inevitably have led to success, the fact remains that nothing was done and here we sit.

The point is that I hope those who still have a good rapport with the Company will, instead of merely accepting yet another "we can't say anything" mantra and then coming here to make excuses for it, contact our representatives and urge that the "silent treatment" toward shareholders become a thing of the past. The first thing they can do in this regard, as above, is to publish the new settlement agreement in its entirety. If they were "man enough" (just speakng figuratively, Ms. Felcyn, no offense intended) to publish the Master Agreement, then there would seem to be no substantive reason for not doing so with the new one.

Hopefully, of course, publication of the new agreement will occur automatically, simply because it's the right thing to do. As always, we shall see.

Best wishes to you and all.

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