Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to l2007s's message

My apologies for this late reply. I've been away from my PC/agora for the bulk of the time since around noon Monday. I haven't even done more than a quick look at the 10K yet! I've also used an unusual (for me) approach towards catching up, going from top down as opposed to going to my last-read message and reading from there. Thus, I'm lagging.... But now I know what Bushleague keeps asking about! LOL

In response to your questions:

I have no "special" priviledges/access to Cliff/PTSC. The reality is that I did what I usually do when I have a question or suggestion for PTSC. I sent Cliff an email last Wednesday soliciting a call at his convenience, and indicated what I wanted to talk about. This way I know I'm not disrupting conduct of business and, when I do get the call, Cliff can be better prepared to field my question or respond to my suggestion. The other thing that has worked is calling and leaving a message in a similar fashion. This was my first contact with Cliff in nearly three months. When he called late Monday morning, he advised that the 10K was done and ready to file after the close, i.e., he was free to call me, and IMO he definitely had his priorities straight.

While we were talking, someone interupted advising of a call from someone else. I wasn't paying much attention, but I believe the person calling had a last name beginning with "C". I actually think I recall the name, but won't share it in the interest of your privacy assuming it was indeed you calling. Cliff told the person that he was engaged in a conversation with a shareholder and asked that she refer the call to Linda (the Controller, I believe) who could probably field the call. Perhaps these clues will allow you to confirm that my suspicions were right - that when you called I was on the phone with Cliff, and that's probably why we didn't take your call.

I'll add that in the relatively few contacts I've had with PTSC since early 1999, I don't believe there has been more than one or two times (if any) when I was able to catch Cliff (or anyone) with a blind call. Bottom line, I suggest folks exercise some business etiquette and arrange contact in advance whenever possible, and be polite - after all, when calling you want something (an audience) and if you are at all rude they (nobody, anywhere) are not likely to oblige (and no, I'm not suggesting you are/were rude, Laurie!).

In response to your second question (I thought you knew better! LOL): No, I have never been compensated in any way by PTSC to promote, defend, or otherwise support PTSC, the BoD, members of staff, affiliations, etc. I am merely a fellow shareholder and a member of the positive-minded forward-looking camp interested in the prosperity of all shareholders.

I hope this is helpful and satisfies....


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