Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to rosewood's message


No disrespect intended, but this company was structured from the beginning to benefit the original investors. If others made money, fine, but in the end it was more about the BOD and insiders profitting. There have been many companies that have fallen by the wayside with wonderful is not about the idea, it is about the business execution. Once any comapny takes on the type of financing agreed to by the board through swarz and Lincoln, the writing is on the wall. All the insiders have golden parachutes (in the sense that it doesn't matter about success of the company for them to receive generous compensation) and their hand has been dealt a winner since the beginning.

The stock market in general and in particular the penny stock realm is stacked against the individual investor. I am sure you were a well educated and successful teacher, but without a knowlege of how the game is played in the market, none of your education helps. It is actually a detriment in that you THINK you knew the game. Wall Street is full of REALLY smart guys that figure out how to make money off of others. There is no product, just money changing hands...a GREAT example was the mortgage fiasco that made billions for those that figured they way to play the game (they didn;t even have to tell everyone the rules). Sell substandard mortgages, sell the mortgagaes and then short the companies that bought them. It is actually more like the pea under the shell game. You are sure you know where the pea is...but somehow you end up wrong.

That is why I say MOST end up with a little less wealth and a little more in the brain, because they learn it is not a fair game, it is stacked against hem. Maybe next time they can make money in recognizing the game, recognizing patterns and then trading on that knowlege.

Good luck,

(I) C. W.

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