Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to l2007s's message

It would be nice if someone from PTSC would TRY to inform us briefly, of the status or efforts to either sell or license these patents. Unfortunately there is no tech expertise left unless they use PDSG which they are afraid to even discuss. Can anyone evaluate this radar???

It seems like the good things that have been accomplished in the past are soon forgotten.

We need you on the BOD. I trust you. I also trust Lamberts to hold BOD accountable. Lamberts statements indicate that cost accountability is totally lacking, yet we have a CFO as well as an Accountant paid at dramatic rates that eat up everything that TPL does not take. Something smells horribly. Accountability and courage are vital at this point. Neither seems to be present.

Prove me wrong BOD. Please, prove me wrong!!

I continue to hope that the mediocrity presently exhibited by our BOD changes soon. The only guy who seems to know what he is doing is Dan Leckrone. But maybe the 3 only know too well. ( There I go getting negative again). Unfortunately, as our adversary, TPL is taking everything that is being earned minus BOD salaries. This is totally unfair and unscrupulous. These people have nothing but shame to show for their carreers and their lives. They stand for nothing. If this is true, action needs to be taken sooner rather than later. I want to be wrong but these guys keep on proving me right.

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