Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to ronran's message

I went back and intentionally clicked on & reread your post to me- In it I found I had overlooked yet another disingenuous and intellectually dishonest whopper from you.

"I stopped reading your posts quite some time ago because I consider them inane. The one that caused me to realize this was the one in which you blamed those, including me, who sold some shares on the "spike" in early 2006, and thus took a partial profit, for causing what has since happened to the share price. I realized at that moment that a person who believes taking a profit is somehow "wrong" or damaging to others is obviously lacking in both common sense and intelligence, since, conversely, that person must believe in selling only at a loss."

You talk about taking things out of context- Whew! - the above sure is a doozy of an out-of-context statement.

The context of my posts to you and about you in this regard have everything to do with your hypocrisy in, both, your willingness to innocently "take profits" or "partial profits" as you are now characterizing your SELLING and having the gall to lecture us all on shareholder value. I don't have a problem with people taking some off the table on a price rise. If I were to sell and take profits-I certainly would not be coming back here on a public message board, declaring - after selling a shi%load of shares- that the BOD is to blame for a declining share price! You seem to want to take the position that your selling happens in a virtual vacuum and has no effect on shareholder value. Get it now ronran? LOL

If anyone is lacking common sense and intelligence it is someone who is so utterly oblivious to the obvious absurdity of the actions above and who so unabashedly supports an ill-conceived "shareholder activism" that-thus far- essentially does nothing to effectively increase shareholder value.

Tell us Ron-have you and Brian or others ever discussed the possibility of engaging in a class action lawsuit offline from Agora? Is that what you guys are REALLY up to? Be honest!

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