Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to Mark4321's message

So, basicly what you are saying, is that you own none of this stock. You spend hours a day posting and reading with the only objective to get other investors to put up money to pay for the services of an engineer, or patent attorney to investigate the technical strengths of the patents. To what purpose, so you can decide whether to now buy an .11 cent stock? Wouldn't it have been easier to just decide to buy not so many shares now and perhaps more later as most would have concluded. You could have gotten a job at McDonalds even at their low hourly rate X all the time you have spent here and paid for the expert yourself. I know that it is a fasinating story but no one would put in all the time and effort to do just that. It has been several years that you have been posting with no apparent personal interest in this stock.

"Enough said, besides, swing traders don't like it when you advertise their moves to bag holders"

Well thanks for letting us know how you really feel about us, so much for all the feelly, touchy lets unite for all our sakes.

So, I, as a proud bag holder of not too many shares, says.... poppycock.

We are getting close to crunch time so expect more desparate posters to appear.

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