Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.

This past week’s announcement was another transparent attempt by the BOD to drum up sagging interest in the Retail community to PTSC’s long term business prospects and serve notice publicly to prospective licensees the risk of continual delay in purchasing a MMP license, and to reinforce what TPL lawyers are undoubtedly raising in louder terms privately, to these new candidates IMO.

The use of the term “serial”, in describing the number of attacks on the MMP over the years, is illustrative of a new seriousness by PTSC/TPL, seeking business quotes to be worthy of mention in other business journals and used for future reference. Maybe that is a hint that in their view, (PTSC/TPL), the worm has turned. Coupled with the announcement earlier of more legal resources to be deployed from future licensing to pursue greater licensing activity is to be applauded and is an excellent strategy going forward. Publicize a new “get tough” policy, following key reexam successes, with a “full court press” by our licensing arm is good strategy (GULP!) by our PTSC/TPL, and displays heretofore unexpected imagination by the BOD.

The proof will be seen in succeeding quarters whether this newfound confidence in licensing activity going forward is successful. I DO feel licensing is likely to pickup soon. I expect additional licensees to be announced this week in order to “goose” the quarter numbers which close this month. The value of each license, common sense would dictate, has gone up. The questions for all of us is by how much. Each case is different. Certainly the strength of the MMP is growing daily and cannot be denied.

Additionally, the economy is slowly gaining strength and companies are flush with cash. These two conditions can only be bullish for future licensing activity. Currently and for the foreseeable future, the Street cannot forecast with any degree of certainty quarterly results. Consequently, PTSC PPS is being evaluated strictly on “Cash in Bank”. It may not be fair but it is what it is. Evaluating the BOD’s impact on the PPS is purely speculative IMO, but has impacted the PPS undoubtedly in the past and will likely for the foreseeable future given past history.


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