Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to Mark4321's message

"IMO, the T3s are also going to try and invalidate the re-examined patents during the various proceedings and also during the trial, with claims that the USPTO were misled by TPL attorneys that claimed contradictory testimony at the J3 proceedings versus the re-exams."

"T3s are also going to try and invalidate the re-examined patents during the various proceedings and also during the trial,....."

Now just who would have that kind of inside information, if it did exist? Wasn't there a Mark on this board at one time that everyone thought was an attorney for the other side?

".....with claims that the USPTO were misled by TPL attorneys that claimed contradictory testimony at the J3 proceedings versus the re-exams."

contradictory testimony? Could you give us an example of which you speak? Considering that the patents were not out of the reexam phase at the time of the J3 trial and they spoke of claims as they existed then, just where is the contradiction of which you speak ? Henneman was our attorney dealing with the USPTO, and to my knowledge he had nothing to do with the J3 trial proceedings.

Mark I am really starting to wonder just who you are, and why do you write the things that you do?

But this to me is a good sign. It could mean that some people are really worried. If I were the other side (the camp that Mark may be in) I would be worried.

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